HIRA BRIEFING NOTE- January 29, 2023
This is a brief note to HIRA members and other residents of Howe Island about the Township of Frontenac Islands special Council meeting held on Monday, January 16, 2023.
A special meeting of Council was convened to obtain agreement on the wording of a letter that has since been sent to Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation (Ontario) with a copy of same sent to Steve Clarke, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Ontario). We understand the letter was signed by Judy Greenwood- Speers in her capacity as Mayor of the Township of Frontenac Islands.
In short, the letter deals with the two primary issues with the County ferry service that plague residents of Howe Island:
We commend Council for a job well done. The correspondence sent on our behalf is clear, forceful and unequivocal.
Howe Island residents can access a draft copy of the letter using the following link to the website for the Township.
The link will take you to the website page that houses:
Township of Frontenac Council Agendas / 2023.
Select and click on:
Township of Frontenac Islands Council – 16 Jan 2023 – Agenda – Pdf
A draft copy of the letter in question appears on pages 5 of 6 and 6 of 6 of the agenda document.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of HIRA, thank you for your support. If you are not a member, please consider joining at $10 per year. Yearly membership dues are due on January 1 of each year. If you have paid, thank you.
If you have not paid, please send or deliver a cheque payable to HIRA to one of our Directors or place a cheque into the HIRA mailbox at the roadside at the Township Office. You can also pay by e-transfer to memberservices@howeisland.org.