HIRA BRIEFING NOTE- April 30, 2023

   This is a brief note to HIRA members and other residents of Howe Island about the Township of Frontenac Islands regular council meeting held on Tuesday April 11, 2023. The public was provided with Zoom access to the regular meeting and a number of our HIRA directors attended or monitored the meeting. Only matters of particular interest to Howe Island residents are highlighted here.

Regular Council Meeting April 11, 2023

Change of Time for Regular Township Council Meetings:

An amendment was made to By-Law Number 2019-02 which governs the calling, place and proceeding of meetings.

The amendment changes the start time for regular meetings of Township Council from 6:30 p.m. to the new start time of 4:00 p.m.

By-Law No. 2023-13 To Establish Ad-Hoc Committees of Township Council:

The by-law was enacted to establish the following committees:

EMS/First Responders Committee

The committee is an ad-hoc committee established to provide leadership, guidance and recommendations to Council on specific issues related to emergency services.

Membership will consist of two (2) members of Council, the Howe Island Fire & Rescue Chief or designate (2) and Four (4) members from the community to be appointed by Council based on geographic representation.

Howe Island Recreation Committee

The committee is established to provide leadership and guidance with respect to the operation of the Patrick Norris Community Park and the Howe Island Trail.

The committee will consist of one (1) member of Council and five (5) members of the community to be appointed by Council. Residents who are

Interested in serving on the committee should submit an application to Council. It is expected that meetings will be held monthly.

By-Law 2023-14 to appoint members to the EMS/First Responders Committee:

Council appoints the following individuals to the committee:

Staff Reports:

Public Works

Ferry Dry Dock for Township (East) Ferry:

The Township ferry was taken out of service on April 20, 2023 to undergo its “out of water” inspection at Kingston Dry Dock. It is expected the ferry will be out of service for at least a two week period.

We understand MTO has agreed to conduct their regular bi-weekly maintenance on the County (West) ferry at night (10 pm – 1am) until such time as the Township ferry has returned to service.

Community Garage Sale May 27, 2023:

Howe Island resident, Wendy Melville, has made a request to use a portion of the Township parking lot at 50 Baseline Road to stage a community garage sale. The sale is to take place on Saturday May 27, 2023.

Vendors who bring items to be sold will be required to remove any unsold items at the conclusion of the sale.

C.A.O. / Clerk

Report to Council A-23-03 Short Term Rentals:

The report was prepared by Interim C.A.O. Yvonne Robert. The report suggests the Township’s existing Comprehensive Zoning By-Law does not provide adequate legal authority to prohibit short-term rentals of residential properties on Howe Island.

The report suggests the Township may need to amend existing zoning by-laws and pass  licensing by-laws to provide for effective regulation of short-term rental operators.

The report also provides a survey of steps taken by similar Ontario municipalities, located in tourist areas, to regulate short-term rental operators. Residents can review the report its entirety using the link provided in the “Staff Reports” section of the agenda for the April 11, 2023 Council meeting that has been archived on the Township website.

Financial Report

Howe Island Township Ferry Petition for Subsidy:

The Township has submitted a Petition for Subsidy to the MTO with respect to operating expenses for the Township (East) ferry for 2022. Total operating costs reported for the year are $580, 341.

MTO subsidizes 80% of operating expenses incurred by the Township for    the ferry. The subsidy payable for 2022 is calculated to be $580,341 x 80% = $464, 273.



Operation Pitch-In 2023:

The annual event to clean up Howe Island roadsides was held on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The event, sponsored by HIRA, was an unqualified success

and the island is considerably cleaner for the effort.

HIRA would like to express thanks to the many Howe Island residents who contributed their time and energy to collect and dispose of a mountain of garbage from Island roadsides. Your efforts are appreciated.

We would also like to express our appreciation to Township Council for providing garbage bags, tags and gloves for the event as well as providing HIRA with access to the Township garage facility. Many thanks also to the Township staff, Mike and Larry Quinn, for providing their assistance on what

should have been a day off for them.

A special thank you is in store for HIRA director Sue Byrne for organizing and coordinating the event.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of HIRA, thank you for your support. If you are not a member, please consider joining at $10 per year. Yearly membership dues are due on January 1 of each year. If you have paid, thank you.

If you have not paid, please send or deliver a cheque payable to HIRA to one of our Directors or place a cheque into the HIRA mailbox at the roadside at the Township Office. You can also pay by e-transfer to memberservices@howeisland.org.

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