HIRA BRIEFING NOTE- August 18, 2024

This is a brief note to HIRA members and other residents of Howe Island about the Township of Frontenac Islands regular council meeting held on Monday July 8, 2024. Only matters of particular interest to Howe Island residents are highlighted here.

National Indigenous Presenters Gathering:

Terri-Lynn Brennan made a presentation to Council to promote a National Indigenous Presenters Gathering to be held on Wolfe Island and in the City of Kingston October 7-10, 2024. The event, hosted by the Lodgepole Arts Alliance, will consist of Indigenous and non-Indigenous presenters, artists and agents from across Canada to taking part in panel discussions, interactive workshops and inspiring performances.

The objective of the event is to “….build a relational exchange of knowledge and creativity rooted in respectful reciprocity.”  We expect more information to be available as we get closer to the event date.

Howe Island  County Ferry – Vendor of Record update:

The Township is in receipt of a letter from Franca Sachetti, Director, East Operations, MTO. The letter was dated June 21, 2024.

Ms. Sachetti advises that a Request for Bids (RFB) has been issued by MTO to retain a naval architect to provide “expert marine engineering advice on long-term options to improve ferry service” to the residents of Howe Island.

The RFB was to close July 11, 2024.


MTO advises they intend to have a naval architect in place by “early fall”. The architect is expected to assess options “that best restore the capacity of the ferry for the long term.” The review will include options available to modify the existing ferry as well as options for procuring a new vessel.

MTO proposes to schedule quarterly meetings with the Township and the County to update both levels of government on progress.

Treasurer’s 2023 Report re Development Charges – Finance Report FN-006-24:

Development charges collected in 2023 for Howe Island totalled $24,349.00.

Interest accrued on Howe Island’s portion of the Development Charges Reserve Fund was $3,530.33.

A total of $ 27,879.33 will be transferred to Howe Island reserve funds as follows:

Howe Administration – $ 1,225.13

Howe Fire Protection – 15,358.35

Howe Public Works –    11,295.85

Total transferred         $ 27,879.33

Volunteer Firefighters Eligible for Enrollment in Pension Plan – Finance Report FN-007-24:

Pursuant to a policy direction received from the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) in March of 2024 and a legal opinion provided by the Township’s legal counsel, the Township treasurer recommends the Township offer enrolment in the OMERS pension plan to all volunteer firefighters currently employed with the Township.  The firefighters would be enrolled as non-full time employees.

Annual cost to the Township is estimated to be approximately $5,400 annually. 

Council received the report for information. A decision on the issue will be made by Council in due course.

Year-to-Date Financial Reports June 30, 2024 – Finance Report FN-008-24:

Township staff submitted YTD financial reports detailing actual vs. budget to June 30, 2024. With respect to Howe Island, the report shows actual numbers in line with 2024 budget expectations.

    • 47% of budgeted revenue for the year has been recognized.

    • Overall, Howe Island expenditure categories have 57% of budget remaining.

    • All Howe Island departments have more than 50% of budget room still available.

    • The only capital cost incurred year-to-date for Howe Island is $19,591 for the purchase of two mowers for the roads department.

    • Assuming Howe Island is entitled to a 30% split of the overall Township budget surplus ($157,750) Howe Island enjoys a year-to-date budget surplus of $35,979 at June 30, 2024.

Open Farm Days August 16-September 30, 2024:

The County of Frontenac has proclaimed August 16-September 30, 2024 to be Open Farm Days in Frontenac County. Township and County administrations encourage all residents to support local farmers and food businesses to recognize the contributions made by these folk to life in Frontenac County.

By-Laws proposed and/or enacted:

    • By-law #027-2024 – Swimming pool by-law:

A By-law that will prescribe requirements for fences and gates around privately-owned outdoor swimming pools installed in the township received 1st and 2nd reading. A copy of the draft by-law can be accessed via Section 11.1 of the agenda for the regular meeting of Council held on July 8, 2024 that is posted on the Township website.

It is expected the by-law will receive third and final reading at the next regular Council meeting in September, 2024.

    • By-law #032-2024 re Canada Community Building Fund:

A By-law that authorizes the Mayor and the Township Treasurer to enter into an agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario which is intended to provide the Township with access to the federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) received third and final reading at the Council meeting.

Contents of the by-law can be accessed via Section 11.3 in the By-Law section of the agenda for the July 8, 2024 regular meeting of council that is posted on the Township website.

    • By-law #33-2024 – Township Indemnifies County of Frontenac:

A By-law that authorizes the Mayor and Township Clerk to enter into an Indemnification agreement with the County of Frontenac received third and final reading. The Township intends to indemnify the County of Frontenac for any costs or damages that result from the lifting of weight restrictions on vehicles boarding the County (West) ferry.

Contents of the By-law can be accessed via Section 11.4 in the By-law section of the agenda for the July 8, 2024 regular meeting of Council that is posted on the Township website.





PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of HIRA, thank you for your support. If you are not a member, please consider joining at $10 per year. Alternatively, you may become a lifetime member with a one-time payment of $100.

Payments can be made by e-transfer to memberservices@howeisland.org. or by cheque payable to HIRA which can be placed in the HIRA mailbox at the roadside in front of the Township Office on Baseline Road or it can be given to one of the HIRA directors.

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This is a brief note to HIRA members and other residents of Howe Island about the Township of Frontenac Islands regular council meeting held on Monday May 13, 2024. Note to report on the June 3, 2024 Council meeting will follow soon.

Only matters of particular interest to Howe Island residents are highlighted  here.

Letter from MTO re Howe Islander (County) Ferry:


The township received correspondence from MTO dated May 6, 2024 whereby MTO advises Township CAO that the ministry has committed to reviewing options for the Howe Island ferry service.  Per MTO, in order  “….to determine a reliable long-term solution that meets the current and future Howe Island needs, the Ministry plans to review various options that include modifications to the existing ferry and procuring a new vessel”.

MTO claims to be in the process of retaining a certified naval architect to provide advice on long-term options to improve the ferry service and to restore the capacity of the existing vessel. MTO hopes to have the naval architect on board by the fall of this year.

In addition, MTO claims to be exploring “….all feasible options to ensure service reliability for residents….while a long-term solution is being developed.”

The letter was signed by Franca Sacchetti, Director, East Operations and by Colin Simons, Director, Transportation User Services.

Howe Island Projected Road Work – Public Works Report PW-005-24:


Council received for information a report submitted by Mike Quinn, Public Works Lead, that outlined proposals for road work to be performed on Howe Island roads for the balance of 2024. The Public Works department proposed the following:

    • Periodic grading of Baseline Road, Spithead Road, Lighthouse Lane, Fuller Road, Driscoll Road and Lower Side Road.

    • Gravel application on as needed basis only.

    • Dust control measures to be assessed pending cost of liquid calcium.

    • Shoulder edging and removal of sod to assist with drainage on roads that were not done in 2023.

    • Shoulder / edge work on asphalt surface edges. Will include grading, application of recycled asphalt and packing.

Howe Island / Wolfe Island  Future of Recycling Ontario-Public Works Report No. PW-006-24:


With recent changes to Ontario Regulation O. Reg 391/21, the province of Ontario has signalled a move is underway to change the existing Ontario Blue Box recycling program. The province is moving towards a “producer responsibility” approach to recycling where the producers of recyclable materials will be responsible for recycling costs associated with those   materials.

Effective July 1, 2025 responsibility for the collection, transportation and disposal of recyclable materials will become the responsibility of a provincially appointed firm known as “Circular Materials”. The company will be collaborating with all municipalities in the province to make the transition to a new recycling program successful.

At this point, the Township has been given no clear path to transition. It is not clear, at this point, if the Township will continue to offer collection depots on both Wolfe and Howe Islands after July 1, 2025. 

Transition mechanisms will be the subject of negotiations between the Township and Circular Materials that will take place over the next year. Township Council and staff will provide updates as information becomes available.

Howe Island Fire & Rescue to receive grant funds- Public Works Report

No. PW-007-24:


Howe Island Fire & Rescue was a successful applicant for grant funding from the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area. The amount of the grant awarded is $2,261.07. The funds will be used to replace CPR manikins used to train first responders on correct CPR techniques and to acquire a manikin that can be used on training for airway management.

2023 Operating Expenses Report- Finance Report No. FN-004-24

Treasurer Jesse Collins submitted a report comparing 2023 budget amounts to actual 2023 expenditures by department. Although some departments did  have significant variances, the Township as a whole experienced a budget variance of only 1.89%….so effective cost control overall.

New Ferry or Bridge? Formal survey requested:


Howe Island resident Alison Healy submitted a letter to Council to request the Township conduct a formal survey of Howe Island residents to obtain an accurate reading of opinion on the question:

    • Do you want a new ferry?

    • Do you want a fixed link to the mainland i.e. a bridge? 

Council received Alison’s letter for information but declined to pursue the survey issue at this time.

Notice of Motion made by Deputy Mayor Bill Saunders re County ferry service:


A motion was made by the deputy-mayor that proposed the following:

    • Township staff are directed to communicate Howe Islander’s strong desire for a new ferry directly to the Ontario Minister of Transportation and senior MTO staff.

    • Request the MTO identify and implement options to improve the reliability of the Frontenac Howe Islander until such time as the new ferry is available for service.

    • Request MTO to prioritize these issues and take measures to address them effectively.

Motion was carried.

Statement by Members of Council:


On behalf of the Howe Island Recreation Committee Deputy Mayor Saunders advised:

    • The committee has been working diligently to arrange events for Island residents.

    • Saturday morning coffee and the farmer’s market have been a big success

    • The bon-fires planned have been postponed a couple of times due to inclement weather

    • Monthly Euchre sessions will resume in the fall.


By-Laws passed that affect Howe Island residents:

    • By-Law #019-2024 – limits access to the Township East End ferry to passenger vehicles, cyclists and pedestrian traffic. No heavy vehicles or trailers will be permitted to use the Township ferry.

    • By-Law #021-2024- authorizes the Township to levy property taxes pursuant to tax rates set out in Schedule “A” to the by-law.





PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of HIRA, thank you for your support. If you are not a member, the annual $10 membership fee, or a lifetime membership fee of $100, can be paid via cash, cheque or etransfer to memberservices@howeisland.org.


Cheques payable to HIRA can be given to one of our Directors or placed into the HIRA mailbox at the roadside at the Township Office.

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This is a brief note to HIRA members and other residents of Howe Island about the Township of Frontenac Islands regular council meeting held on Monday April 8, 2024. Note to report on the May 13, 2024 Council meeting will follow soon.



Only matters of particular interest to Howe Island residents are highlighted  here.


Tribute to Jim McReynolds:

The meeting was opened with a moment of silence to mark the recent passing of Jim McReynolds, a long-time Howe Island resident. As a tribute to Jim, Mike Quinn provided a summary of Mr. McReynolds many contributions to the community of Howe Island which included his work with the Island’s volunteer fire department and his contributions to parish life at St Philomena’s Church.


Jim will be dearly missed by his extended McReynolds family and the many friends he made over the years on Howe Island.


Howe Island Recreation Committee:

Howe Island resident, Sonia Cliffe, made a presentation to Council on behalf of the Howe Island Recreation Committee. Ms. Cliffe outlined a number of events the Committee proposes to stage over the summer and fall of 2024.



Planned events include:

  •  Coffee club / Farmer’s market

Coffee and condiments will be available at the municipal administration building, 50 Base Line Rd, on Saturday morning between 10 a.m. – 12 Noon. A donation jar will be available to allow residents to contribute  to operating costs. Council consented to the use of the administration building on Saturday mornings for the coffee club.


Council also consented to Ms. Cliffe’s request that Island residents be allowed to conduct a Farmer’s Market using the municipal parking lot and adjacent lawn between 10 a.m. – 12 Noon to sell locally grown meat, produce, crafts etc. Participants will need to provide their own tables & chairs and will be required to clean up after themselves at the conclusion of each market.


  • Movie nights to be staged on designated weeknights through the summer. Seating will be provided in the municipal building parking lot. It is anticipated that movie nights will begin in July.
  • Howe Island History Day

Sunday July 14 at the Parish Hall. Detail to follow from the Recreation  Committee.

  • Dance at Parish Hall

Expected to be staged late September or early October. Details to follow from Recreation Committee.


Staff Reports:


Public Works Report No. PW-002-24: 

Subject: Howe Island – NG911 Fuller Road Report

Fire Chief, Mike Quinn, reported on a proposal to clarify and rationalize street names and 911 addresses for properties located in the Fuller Road area. The proposal was a collaborative effort between Emergency Services staff and residents in the area. Council received the report for information.



Public Works Report No. PW-004-24, Howe Island Purchase of Mowers:

After conducting an RFP process for grass mowing for township properties, Council has decided to bring this function “in house” and to use Township staff, rather than outside contractors, to cut grass on township properties.


As a consequence, Council has directed staff to complete the purchase of two (2) mowers to be used by Howe Island public works staff. Total cost for the machines is $21,254.17.



Verbal Update Howe Island Township (East) Ferry:

Mike Quinn provided a verbal report to Council on the types of constraints that limit the ability of the Township (East) ferry to expand its service levels when the County (West) ferry is taken out of service unexpectedly.



Funding for the Township ferry is provided pursuant to a service agreement between the Township and MTO. The service agreement governs staffing levels, hours of operation etc. Fire Chief Quinn advised Council that any significant expansion in Township ferry service will require the Township to negotiate an expanded service agreement with MTO.



Finance Report No. FN-001-24:

Council received the 2023 Petition for Subsidy from the MTO for the Township (East) ferry. The total subsidy amount for 2023 is $516,942.24.

Council approved the amount, subject to a review to be completed by the 

Township Treasurer to ensure all staffing costs for 2023 have been captured in the amount of the petition.


Following approval by the Treasurer, the petition will be submitted to MTO to receive the final 2023 payment due.







PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of HIRA, thank you for your support. If you are not a member, please consider joining at $10 per year. Yearly membership dues are due on January 1 of each year. If you have paid, thank you.



If you have not paid, please send or deliver a cheque payable to HIRA to one of our Directors or place a cheque into the HIRA mailbox at the roadside at the Township Office. You can also pay by e-transfer to memberservices@howeisland.org.

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